
Free Counseling for Michigan Veterans

July 07, 2019

The Michigan Veterans Affairs Agency announced on July 1st that Michigan veterans and their families will have access to free financial counseling. This pilot program is being provided by GreenPath Financial Wellness Inc., which is a nonprofit financial counseling organization. This program has an initial agreement that runs through the end of September 2020. At that point, the board will decide if they will renew the program.

This program is designed to help veterans that are
struggling financially to gain financial stability. The counseling consists of
an hour, one on one interview, either over the phone or at a local GreenPath
Branch office. The veterans are provided a budget and financial action plan
that is designed specifically for their financial situation.

Veterans are also offered additional forms of financial
counseling, such as housing counseling, financial wellness tools, and credit
report review. Some veterans may qualify for a Debt Management Plan, which is
different than the free financial counseling plan.

Veterans that are interested in this free financial
counseling can all the MVAA’s Resource Center at 1-800-MICH-VET (642-4838) or
visit www.michiganveterans.com.
